Does Tongue-Tie Affect Speech Development?

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does tongue tie affect speech development

Humans are social creatures. We’ve evolved to need human interaction which, of course, encompasses daily communication. From the moment we’re born, we adopt this unconscious habit; from incoherent babbling when we’re toddlers, to understanding verbal cues, to learning sophisticated vocabulary when we’re grown, being able to talk is essential.

As a result, it’s important to prioritize speech development, especially if you’re a parent with a young child. Different things can influence your children’s ability to speak. One such example is lip and tongue-tie conditions.

For more information on tongue ties and lip ties, including how to amend such an issue near you, get in touch with our local dental clinic today. Our pediatric dentists here in Apollo Beach, FL, will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

What are Tongue-Ties and Lip-Ties?

Tongue-ties and lip-ties are something that babies can be born with. Often, this phenomenon is overlooked and instead, a child’s difficulty speaking is attributed to other health conditions that are actually unrelated.

As is the case with most health issues, it’s best to have it diagnosed and addressed as soon as possible so that your child can live an unrestricted, happy life. With that said, here are some symptoms to look out for: your baby is gasping for air or has hiccups while sleeping or feeding, they have trouble latching when it’s time to receive milk from their mom, blisters have formed in their mouth, they gulp while drinking, and dislike using a pacifier.

Further symptoms can arise as your child grows if this is left untreated for an extended period. Teeth clenching, grinding, sleep apnea, trouble eating and speaking jaw pain, and narrow airways are just a few examples.

If you’re unsure whether your child is dealing with tongue-tie or lip-tie, visit a pediatric dental office near you. A Pediatric dentist is a specialist who exclusively focuses on providing care to kids and young adults. They’ll be able to correctly identify any potential health issues and suggest the most appropriate way to move forward.

Treating Tongue-Tie and Lip-Tie in Apollo Beach

Fortunately, there’s no need to worry if your child is dealing with tongue-tie or lip-tie as there are ways to treat it.

This process is typically done using a CO2 laser. The process is very simple and is over in minutes. Not to mention there is little blood loss. The laser is used to remove excess frenulum in your child’s mouth. The frenulum refers to soft tissues located between your lips and gums on the top and bottom of your mouth. The frenulum is also present underneath your tongue and behind your teeth.

As a result, your child will have a significantly higher range of motion for their tongue and lips, allowing them to speak clearly. This will also simultaneously boost their self-confidence.

This process, formally known as a frenectomy, is very safe for patients of all ages. It can be performed by a general dentist or a pediatric specialist.

Prior to receiving any type of oral treatment, it’s always wise to consult with your doctor or your dentist first. They’ll be able to let you know if this is the best solution for you or your child’s specific case or if an alternative course of action would be more effective.

Are you looking for convenient tongue-tie and lip-tie treatment? We’ve got you covered! Here at Smile Lynn Pediatric Dentistry, our staff looks forward to helping you and your child with whatever you need. Call or visit our website to schedule a consultation and get started today!