Fluoride Toothpaste for Toddlers: Is It Safe?

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fluoride toothpaste for toddlers Is It safe

Over the last decade or so, fluoride and its relationship to our dental health have been a topic that’s frequently debated. Is it truly good or bad for us? What about our kids?

It can be difficult to sort through all the information that we’re constantly bombarded with, which makes it even harder for us to make a decision we feel good about. So, to help you out, we’ve composed this blog. And if, after reading, you still have questions, we highly encourage you to get in touch with our pediatric dentist in Apollo Beach FL.

Fluoride 101

Though it can be presented to us in multiple forms, particularly when we’re undergoing a dental cleaning, fluoride is actually just a mineral. It occurs naturally in the earth and, by extension, in certain foods and lakes.

After it was discovered that fluoride is extremely capable at reinforcing the enamel on our teeth and preventing cavities from forming, it has been incorporated into clinical treatments, mouthwashes, and of course, toothpaste.

Fluoride is a wonderful, not to mention very effective means of prevention dentistry near you, for both kids and adults alike. Then why is it so contested? Well, as the saying goes, you should never have too much of a good thing; consuming or being exposed to an excess of any food, chemical, etc, is not good for our health. Concerning fluoride, too much of it may be toxic.

The formal term for too much fluoride is dental fluorosis; this condition can damage your protective enamel and even dull the color of your teeth. So, if you’re dealing with small kids, it is a wise idea to limit the amount of fluoride that they come into contact with, especially since their teeth and gums are still evolving.

A general rule of thumb is:

For babies up to 1 year – no toothpaste.

For toddlers between the ages of 12 to 36 months – use a dot of fluoride. Since they will have few teeth, stick to using a warm cloth to wipe around their mouth.

Then, as your child grows older, you can slowly begin to increase how much fluoride they use. Helping and supervising them while they brush will help you keep track of this. Once they’re done, have them rinse and spit thoroughly.

Talk to a Dental Professional

Booking a consultation with a children dentist near you to ask questions and let your concerns be known is one of the best things you can do when it comes to your little one’s hygiene. These individuals possess a deep understanding of oral biology and how it evolves as your child matures. They’re also qualified to administer a wide range of dental processes and procedures – including fluoride application – so they will certainly be able to help you identify the best course of action for you and your family.

Come Visit Our Dental Team Today!

At Smile Lynn Pediatric Dentistry, we’re proud to be able to offer all our patients, new and returning, younger and older, prevention dentistry in Apollo Beach. No matter what type of dental issue you may be facing, we’re here to assist you and get your smile back to being healthy and beautiful. Our staff will guide you through each process, so you know what to expect and feel comfortable coming in to receive it.

To kick things off, head over to our website and fill out the forum, give us a call, or stop by our dental clinic in person to schedule a visit. We’re excited to work alongside you and your kiddo!